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  • 我们的花园里有一棵树英语怎么写

    Our garden is a place of beauty and tranquility, a place where nature and human creativity come together in harmony. Nestled among the vibrant flowers and lush vegetation, there stands a majestic tree. This tree is not just a natural wonder, but a symbol

  • 我们的花园里有一棵树英语怎么说

    Our garden is a beautiful place full of blossoming flowers, chirping birds, and a magnificent tree. This tree stands tall and proud, its branches reaching for the sky as if trying to touch the heavens. It is the centerpiece of our garden and a source of p

  • 我们的花园里有一棵树英语翻译

    Our garden has a tree. It is a beautiful and sturdy tree that stands tall and proud in the center of our garden. Its branches sway gently in the breeze, and its leaves shimmer in the sunlight. The tree is a source of beauty and tranquility for our family,

  • 我们的花园里满是花英文


  • 英国景观夏令营


  • 德语学校:陕西师范大学奥林匹克花园学校德语教师参加培训

    冯娟老师参加了歌德学院A1级和A2级的考官培训,从听、说、读、写四个方面进行了全面的讲解。Kristina女性来自负责等级考试的老师介绍了培训的内容目标等等,随后, 主讲人Ruben Ranke 给老师讲解相关内容。考虑到一些教师是第一次接受培训,Ranke老师首先带领大家相互了解,然后让大家介绍一张自己熟悉的照片。相互熟悉后,讲师给大家分发了考试相关材料。在听力训练中,Ranke老师准备了


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