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每日德语听力:DialogueA: Good morning, sir

来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-11-03 12:00:37


A: Good morning, sir. How can I help you?

B: Yes. I'd like to withdraw some money from this account.

A: Ok. How much do you want?

B: 500 dollars.

A: Can you fill out this form, please? You need to write down your name, your account number, how much money you want?

B: Sure. Hold on for a moment. Here you are.

A: Thanks. Sir, please enter your passport over that machine.

B: Ok.

A: I'm sorry, sir. But your password is wrong.

B: Really? Can I try it again? How about this time?

A: It's correct now. Here's your receipt, please sign it at the bottom of it.

B: Ok. Here you are.

A: Here are 500 dollars and your account. Please press the button to give a score for my service. Thank you.

Key words

withdraw : v.取;提 ; 存款用: deposit

fill out: v.填写 ; 常用于酒店、机场等场所;

sign : 签名;



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