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  • 四年级下册英语第5课课文翻译


  • 房子旁边有许多树英文翻译

    Living in a house surrounded by trees is a dream come true for many people. The sight of nature every day can be very refreshing and calming. However, it is not just the beauty that makes this scenario appealing. Trees have many benefits that can improve

  • 房子旁边有棵树用英语怎么写单词

    Living around trees is a beautiful experience. The air is pure, the view is scenic, and the environment is peaceful. A house next to a tree is a perfect blend of nature and architecture, and it offers a unique living experience. In this article, we will d

  • 关于树木的英文句子

    When we think of nature, trees are the first thing that come to mind. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and a beautiful scenery. Trees have been around for millions of years and they continue to play a vital role in our ecosystem. In this article, we wi

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  • 学校有很多树用英语怎么写作文

    As we all know, schools have many trees. These trees not only beautify the campus environment, but also provide us with fresh air and shade. In this article, we will explore the benefits of having trees on school campuses and how they impact our daily liv

  • Redeemer



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