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  • 成都剑桥少儿英语

    摘要: 成都剑桥少儿英语(CCES)是一所致力于为孩子提供优质英语教育的学校,以其创新的教学方法和丰富的课外活动而闻名。本文将通过多个个性化案例,深入探讨CCES的教学特点和对学生成长的积极影响。

  • 写自己偶像的英语作文

    As a fan, it's always a great experience to write about your favorite idol. Not only does it allow you to express your admiration and appreciation for their hard work and talent, but it also helps to share their story with others. In this article, I will

  • 剑桥ket核心词汇:PART 9:Clothes and Accessories

    PART 9:Clothes and Accessories 01 vocabulary 02 exercise 反复阅读可以加深记忆哦! 学生要及时复习,才能更好地掌握知识。 备考福利 2020年KET/PET在线课程特点: 1.紧跟新版考试,全面分析最新考点

  • ket单词线上:PART 9:Clothes and Accessories

    PART 9:Clothes and Accessories 01 vocabulary 02 exercise 反复阅读可以加深记忆哦! 学生要及时复习,才能更好地掌握知识。 备考福利 2020年KET/PET在线课程特点: 1.紧跟新版考试,全面分析最新考点


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