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  • 山上有许多树用英语怎么说

    On the mountain, there are many trees. How to say this sentence in English? Trees on the mountain are not only the natural decoration of the landscape, but also the source of our oxygen. Without them, life would be impossible. In this article, we will exp

  • 有一些树在山上英语


  • 有许多树在山上的英文

    有许多树在山上的英文,是“there are many trees on the mountain”,这句话简单而生动地描绘了山上的一片绿色。树木是自然界中重要的生态组成部分,它们能够为人类提供氧气、美化环境、控制气候等多种作用。在山林中,树木数量的多少也是一个重要的生态指标。本文将从不同角度探讨有许多树在山上的意义。

  • 山上有许多树的英语

    On the mountain, there are many trees that create a beautiful and serene environment. The trees provide shade, wildlife habitat, and fresh air. In this article, we will discuss the significance of trees on the mountain.


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