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  • ket考试铅笔要求


  • 我国际剑桥少儿英语


  • 剑桥英语少儿英语分级考试


  • 剑桥少儿英语过山车


  • 写一篇青春的作文英语

    As we step into our teenage years, we begin to discover the world and ourselves in a whole new light. Our youthful energy and curiosity push us to explore new horizons, meet new people, and chase our dreams. This is the time when we forge our identity, ma

  • 新概念英语2a课文


  • ket看图作文写作技巧


  • 写一篇关于偶像的英语作文

    As the world becomes more and more modern, the phenomenon of idol worship has become increasingly common. Fans of idols are everywhere, and they are willing to spend a lot of time and money to support their idols. In this article, we will explore the reas

  • 一篇介绍自己偶像的英语作文

    As a fan, introducing my idol is certainly an exciting topic. In this article, I will introduce my idol and share some personal feelings and insights about him. My idol is a famous actor, who has starred in numerous popular movies and TV dramas, and has w

  • ket考试作文:Step1挑选一个KET考试作文题,例如这一篇:请先细心审查

    Step1 选择KET考试作文题目,例如本文:请先仔细查看下图。 Step2 Step3 做了以上两个过程后,大家都进入了装饰阶段。首先,学生必须逐渐修改句子。首先,让我们看看第一段的支点句是否进一步表达了自己的观点。有没有更强的见解?如果有,立即改回,用更强的支点句代替原来的支点句。 Step 4 修定阶段


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