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  • 这样的那样的英文单词


  • 形容漂亮的英文单词

    When it comes to describing someone or something as beautiful, there are countless English words to choose from. The English language is incredibly rich and diverse, and there are many words that can be used to convey different shades and nuances of beaut

  • 出国旅游必备50句英语


  • 很久以前森林里有一座房子的英文

    Once upon a time, there was a house in the middle of a forest. It was said that the house had been there for centuries, long before anyone could remember. The locals believed that the house was cursed and that anyone who entered would never return.

  • 我们班有41个学生的英文

    我们班有41个学生的英文是 “There are 41 students in our class.” 这句英文句子中包含了我们学生的数量和所在的班级,是我们在日常英语中常用的一句话。但是,这句话中的单词和语法结构是否就这么简单呢?下面将从不同的角度对这句英文进行分析和解读。

  • 机会用英语怎么说


  • ket写作练习:Thereare differnt opinions amo

    There are different opinions among people asto ____.Some people suggest that ____. 关于…每个人都有不同的看法。有些人认为… Today, ____, which havebrought a lot of harms in our daily life.First, ____Seco


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