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  • 网络霸凌英语作文结尾

    With the rapid development of the internet, online bullying has become a serious problem that affects millions of people around the world. Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that occurs through electronic media, such as social media, text messages, and e

  • teen的英语

    Teenagers are a unique group in society, facing their own set of challenges and experiences. In this article, we will explore the world of teen English, examining the language and culture that surrounds this group. From social media slang to academic voca

  • 青年人英文单词

    随着社交网络的普及,social media这个词汇也成为了青年人日常使用的常见单词之一。Social media指的是社交媒体,例如Facebook、Instagram、Twitter等等。在社交媒体上,青年人可以更快地获取各种信息,与朋友、同学交流,分享自己的生活点滴。在现代社会中,社交媒体已经成为了年轻人互动的主要渠道。

  • 一名网友用英语怎么说



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