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  • 房子旁边有棵树用英语怎么写单词

    Living around trees is a beautiful experience. The air is pure, the view is scenic, and the environment is peaceful. A house next to a tree is a perfect blend of nature and architecture, and it offers a unique living experience. In this article, we will d

  • 一个森林公园用英语怎么写

    As people's awareness of environmental protection continues to increase, more and more people are beginning to pay attention to the protection and development of forest parks. Forest parks are a kind of natural landscape tourism resource with great develo

  • beautiful英文翻译

    As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But what exactly is beauty and how do we define it? Is it just skin deep or does it go beyond that? In this article, we will explore the concept of beauty and its different meanings. From physical

  • 我是一名初中生用英语怎么说

    As a middle school student, mastering English is essential for your future development. In today's globalized world, English is not just a language, but a tool for communication, learning, and personal growth. Therefore, in this article, we will explore s

  • 新时代的好少年用英语怎么说

    As the new era is approaching, the concept of being a good youth has been given more and more attention. A good youth is not only an embodiment of personal character and quality, but also an important part of the development of society. Therefore, being a

  • 兔子住哪里用英语怎么说

    As the symbol of the Easter holiday, rabbits are cute and lovely. But where do they live? Do they live in holes like in the cartoons? Let's explore where rabbits live in English.

  • 学校里有很多树用英语怎么说

    As we all know, trees are an important part of our environment. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and a habitat for wildlife. In schools, trees play an important role in creating a beautiful and welcoming environment for students to learn and grow. In t

  • 小学英语教案全英文版

    English is an important subject in primary schools. A good English lesson plan is critical in helping students learn effectively. This article introduces a complete English lesson plan in English, aimed at providing guidance for English teachers. The arti

  • 好主意英文



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