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As one of the most popular Chinese movies in recent years, “Better Days” (少年的你) has won numerous awards and captured the hearts of many moviegoers. Its realistic portrayal of the struggles faced by Chinese teenagers has resonated with audiences around the
Recently, the movie “Better Days” or “少年的你” has been a hot topic in China. It tells the story of teenagers facing pressure and bullying in school. Many people have been touched by the film and it has sparked discussions about social issues such as educati
2021年的考试时间还没有正式公布,很多家长都很着急。如果考试延期,可能会导致考场爆满,很难找到一个。此外,一些考生准备剑桥五级考试较晚,这意味着考试机会的减少。BetterClass这里的老师还是老生常谈,积极备考才是最重要的,不要让紧张焦虑的情绪影响到孩子。 今天BetterClass继续为大家充电,一起学习吧! 在之前的试卷概述中,我们提到了试卷的组成。虽然