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  • 欧洲旅游英语口语速成


  • 旅游实用英语口语


  • 一些树翻译成英文

    Have you ever wandered through a forest and noticed the different types of trees surrounding you? Whether it’s the towering sequoias of California or the colorful maples of New England, trees play an important role in our environment and our daily lives.

  • 亲爱的评委们的英文

    As contestants, we all value the feedback and critique from the judges in every competition. Not only do they provide us with constructive criticism, but they also inspire us to improve and excel in our craft. In this article, we will take a closer look a

  • 儿童英语线上网课哪个好


  • 五点十五分用英语怎么说

    It is common knowledge that every country has its own unique way of telling time. In China, people use the 24-hour clock system to indicate the time of day. However, when it comes to expressing the time in oral communication, people often use the 12-hour

  • OPFUNTalkmouse缺点

    OPFUN Talkmouse是一款蓝牙无线鼠标,可以在Mac,Windows和Android系统上使用。Talkmouse是一款轻巧的鼠标,采用注重人体工程学的设计,让人感觉很舒适。此款鼠标具有许多功能,可以控制音乐播放,调节声音,以及实现单击,双击和滚轮滚动等基本操作。但是,这款鼠标也存在一些缺点。

  • 形容果汁的英语单词

    When it comes to describing fruit juice, there are many English words that can be used. Some words may describe the taste, while others may describe the texture. In this article, we will explore some of the most common words used to describe fruit juice i

  • 形容漂亮的英语单词100个

    Are you ever at a loss for words when trying to describe something as beautiful? Whether it’s a breathtaking sunset, a stunning work of art, or a gorgeous person, sometimes the word “beautiful” just doesn’t seem quite strong enough. That’s why we’ve compi

  • 房子旁边有一棵树用英语怎么写

    When you have a house with a tree in the yard, it can be a great source of joy. Whether you like to sit under it and enjoy the shade, or watch the birds as they play among the branches, having a tree nearby can make your home feel even more special. In th


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