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  • 房子旁边有棵树用英语怎么写单词

    Living around trees is a beautiful experience. The air is pure, the view is scenic, and the environment is peaceful. A house next to a tree is a perfect blend of nature and architecture, and it offers a unique living experience. In this article, we will d

  • 房子旁边有棵树的英文

    Have you ever noticed that there's a tree next to your house? Perhaps you've never really paid attention to it before, but that tree can actually play a significant role in your home's aesthetics, comfort, and even value. In this article, we'll explore th

  • 我家旁边有棵树用英语怎么说

    Living close to nature is a dream for many people. One of the best parts of living in a house near trees is that you get to enjoy fresh air, natural scenery, and the beautiful sounds of birds chirping in the morning. However, having a tree in your yard ca


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