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  • 天津KET考试拥挤

    摘要: 天津的KET考试场面堪比周末商场,人头攒动,热闹非凡。笔者深陷其中,亲身感受到考试紧张氛围的同时,也领略了考场外不少有趣的插曲。这篇文章将从多个角度剖析天津KET考试的拥挤现象,以及个人的见解和体验。

  • 放风筝等用英语怎么说

    Are you looking for a fun outdoor activity to enjoy with friends or family? Why not try flying a kite or flying a kite? Kite flying has been a popular pastime for centuries, and it's a great way to spend a sunny afternoon outside. In this article, we'll e


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