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  • 这里有许多树吗的英文

    As we walk through the woods, we often notice the abundance of trees around us. But have you ever wondered how many trees are actually in the area? In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the quantity of trees, including cl

  • 关于植物的英语单词

    Plants are essential for our environment and our survival. They produce oxygen, provide food, and play a critical role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. In this article, we will explore some essential English words related to plants.

  • 十六岁的英文单词


  • 剑桥ket用什么教材:G1G2级别MagicGrowthVSWonders文本测评

    在分析教材的质量时,我们一般会考虑几个问题,从多个维度进行分析和评价。 例如: 首先,这套教材怎么样?第二,这套教材适合中国孩子吗?第三,我们的老师会教这套教材吗?第四,中国家长能接受这套教材吗?第五,这套教材是否符合中国教育的国情? 对于非英语国家的孩子来说,学习英语最大的障碍就是缺乏语言环境。因此,越来越多的家长把目光投向了正版教


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