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  • 我的妈妈很漂亮英文翻译

    My Mother is Very Beautiful

  • 河流用英语怎么写三年级下册

    As we all know, rivers are an important part of our world. They provide us with water, food, transportation, and so much more. In this article, we will explore the topic of rivers and how we can learn about them in English. We will cover a variety of topi

  • 我奶奶今年八十岁了的英语

    My grandmother turned 80 this year, which is a significant milestone for our family. She has lived a long and fulfilling life, and I want to reflect on her experiences and how they have influenced me. From her stories of perseverance to her unconditional

  • 开始砍树用英语怎么说

    When it comes to cutting down trees, there are many reasons why someone might need to do so. Whether it's for safety concerns, creating space for a new building, or simply to clear land for farming or other purposes, tree removal is a necessary task in ma

  • 关于追梦的英语小短文

    As human beings, we all have dreams and aspirations. Some of us have small dreams, while others have big dreams. No matter what our dreams are, they are an essential part of our lives. Dreams give us the motivation to work hard and achieve our goals. In t

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  • 偶像英语单词

    As a pop culture phenomenon, idols have captured the hearts and attention of millions of fans around the world. These larger-than-life figures have become symbols of hope, inspiration, and fantasy for many people, and their music, fashion, and personaliti

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