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首页 > 资讯列表> Deforestation
  • 有些人乱砍树木森林英文

    Deforestation is a major problem that affects our planet in many ways. It disrupts the natural balance of the ecosystem, leading to climate change, loss of animal habitats, and soil erosion. Unfortunately, some people continue to engage in harmful practic

  • 一些人在砍树英文

    There are some people chopping down trees, which has caused a lot of concern among environmentalists and local residents. Deforestation can lead to a range of negative impacts on both the environment and society, such as soil erosion, habitat loss, and cl

  • 我们应该阻止人们砍树的英文

    Deforestation is a global issue that affects us all. Trees are vital to our planet, they provide oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide, and maintain the soil. Unfortunately, every year millions of trees are cut down for various reasons such as land development, a

  • 人们乱砍伐树木英语

    Deforestation has been a major issue for many years, with people cutting down trees at an alarming rate. This has resulted in environmental problems such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, and soil erosion. The issue of deforestation is a global one

  • 过去家乡树木成林英语翻译

    As a child, I remember my hometown being filled with lush green trees. The streets were lined with towering trees that provided shade and shelter. As I grew up, I moved away from my hometown and lived in different cities, but the memories of the green for


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