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  • 作为新时代青年的英文

    As the backbone of the society, the youth is the major driving force of the nation's development and progress. Therefore, the role of the youth is critical in shaping the future of any country. In China, the youth of the new era is regarded as the most en

  • beautiful

    Beautiful is a word that can be used to describe many things, from a sunset to a person's smile. It is a word that can evoke strong emotions and bring joy to our lives. In this article, we will explore the many facets of beauty and what it means to us.

  • 参天大树的英文

    As one of the tallest and most majestic beings in the natural world, trees have always held a special place in human culture. For centuries, people have been inspired and awed by the towering presence of ancient trees, which seem to reach up towards the h

  • 山脚下有一棵大树英文翻译

    Have you ever stood at the foot of a great tree and looked up in awe at its towering branches? The world is full of magnificent trees that inspire us with their beauty and strength, and one such tree can be found at the base of a mountain. This giant tree

  • worldtalk有没有真老外


  • 适合小孩看的英语启蒙动画片


  • 适合小孩看的英语启蒙动画片


  • 剑桥ket对标小学:《美国国家地理》系列中的Wonderful World(缤纷

    在著名的《美国国家地理》系列中,我们今天要介绍的是Wonderful。 World(多彩世界)系列。 如同书名 Wonderful World 所说 ,在设备英语听、说、读、写的学习中,这套书为孩子们呈现了一个五彩缤纷、精彩绝伦的“多彩世界”! 与大家强烈分享! Wonderful 国家地理和剑桥KETWorld、正版综合系统教材PET考试完全对标,

  • ket单掌握单词:KET分类词汇表1 Natural World and We

    KET分类词汇表 ① Natural World and Weather 自然和天气 air (n.)气体 beach (n.)海滩 cloud (n.)云 grass (n.)草 grow (v.) 生长 hill (n.) 小山 hot (a.) 热的 sea (n.) 海 sky (n.)天空 snow (n.) 雪 south

  • ket阅读词汇推荐:KET分类词汇表1 Natural World and We

    KET分类词汇表 ① Natural World and Weather 自然和天气 air (n.)气体 beach (n.)海滩 cloud (n.)云 grass (n.)草 grow (v.) 生长 hill (n.) 小山 hot (a.) 热的 sea (n.) 海 sky (n.)天空 snow (n.) 雪 south


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