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  • ket的语法:could you please open the door

    1. 过去进行时 用来谈论过去某一时间正在发生的事情。 I was playing football at 3:30 yesterday. 用来讨论过去某一时间同时发生的两件事 He was doing homework while his sister was watching TV. 过去的情况和过去的情况发生在同一句

  • ket核心语法:could you please open the door

    1. 过去进行时 谈论过去某个时候正在发生的事情 I was playing football at 3:30 yesterday. 谈论过去同时发生的两件事 He was doing homework while his sister was watching TV. 过去进行时和一般过去时出现在同一个句子中:


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