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  • 人教版四年级下册英语语音规律

    As one of the basic skills in learning English, mastering the phonetic rules is essential for students, especially for those who are at the age of four. In the fourth grade of primary school, students begin to learn the phonetic rules systematically. In t

  • 每日法语听力:Studyphoneticsymbolsandlinking

    Studyphoneticsymbolsandlinking.学习音标和连读 众所周知,我们的听力材料通常是一些外国人之间的对话。他们的语速非常快,其中80%以上用于连续阅读。如果我们不知道连续阅读,我们甚至可能不理解他们演讲的一般含义。因此,学习音标和连续阅读是非常必要的,所以我把它放在第一位。 Choosesuitablelistenin


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