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  • 南滨路用英文怎么说


  • 带领参观用英文

    As a tour guide, one of the most important skills is to lead a tour in English. It can be challenging to communicate effectively with visitors in a language that is not their mother tongue. However, with the right techniques, tour guides can overcome thes

  • 用英文介绍重庆之美

    As one of the largest cities in China, Chongqing is a city full of charm and beauty. The city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, which not only create a stunning natural landscape, but also provide a source of livelihood for the locals. Chongqing is a

  • 山脚下有一个村庄英语

    At the foot of a mountain lies a small village. The village is quiet and peaceful, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. Life in the village is simple and traditional, with the locals mainly relying on agriculture and livestock for their liveliho


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