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  • 追逐梦想英文缩写

    Everyone has a dream, whether it is to become a successful entrepreneur, a famous writer, or a professional athlete. However, the pursuit of a dream is not easy and requires a lot of hard work, determination, and persistence. In this article, we will expl

  • 山脚下有一个村庄英语

    At the foot of a mountain lies a small village. The village is quiet and peaceful, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. Life in the village is simple and traditional, with the locals mainly relying on agriculture and livestock for their liveliho

  • 到了山脚下英文

    Have you ever wondered what it feels like to reach the foot of the mountain? The journey towards the mountain top can be a long and arduous one. But once you reach the base of the mountain, a sense of accomplishment and relief washes over you. In this art

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  • Taketalk国际版

    Take Talk国际版,是中国最大的短视频平台抖音旗下的一款国际版社交应用。与抖音类似,用户可以在Take Talk上分享自己的生活瞬间、记录自己的美好时光,也可以通过短视频的形式表达自己的想法和观点。与此同时,Take Talk国际版又具有更强的社交性,用户可以通过与全球用户互动,让世界更紧密。


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