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  • 关于树木的英文句子

    When we think of nature, trees are the first thing that come to mind. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and a beautiful scenery. Trees have been around for millions of years and they continue to play a vital role in our ecosystem. In this article, we wi

  • 我家附近有很多树英语翻译

    Living in my neighborhood, I am surrounded by an abundance of trees. They are everywhere, lining the sidewalks, filling the parks, and even growing in people's yards. These trees not only provide a beautiful backdrop to my daily life, but they also offer

  • 学校有很多树用英语怎么说

    As we all know, trees are not only important for the environment, but also for people's daily lives. They provide us with oxygen, shade, and beautiful scenery. Schools, as an important part of society, should have a large number of trees. In this article,

  • 学校有很多树的英文

    As we all know, trees play a vital role in the environment and have numerous benefits. In schools, having many trees not only enhances the aesthetic value of the campus but also promotes a healthy learning environment. In this article, we will explore the

  • 陪伴家人英文

    As our lives become increasingly busy, it's easy to forget the importance of spending quality time with our family. However, making the effort to be present and engaged with our loved ones can have a significant impact on our relationships and our overall


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