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KET单词推荐:14大Part 1 Food and Drink

来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-10-30 08:00:50


Part 1 Food and Drink——食物和饮品

Part 2 Jobs and Time——工作与时间

Part 3 Body and Health——身体与健康

Part 4 Family and Friends——家人和朋友

Part 5 Communication, Culture and Entertainment——传播、文化和娱乐

Part 6 Shopping and Money——购物和金钱

Part 7 House and Colours——房子和颜色

Part 8 Measurement and Document——测量和文档

Part 9 Clothes and Accessories——服饰及饰品

Part 10 Buildings and Places——建筑及场所

Part 11 Sports and Leisure——体育与休闲

Part 12 Studies——研究

Part 13 Travel and Transport——旅游和运输

Part 14 Natural World and Weather——自然世界和天气


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