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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2024-09-14 11:00:08


Part A

Part A是新概念英语1a中的第一部分,它主要涉及一些简单的对话和问答。这一部分的难度不是很大,但是需要学生们熟练掌握一些基础的英语表达。以下是一些Part A中可能出现的题目和答案:

1. A: How are you? B: I'm fine, thank you. And you? A: ____________ B: Fine, thank you.

答案:How are you?

2. A: Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? B: ____________ A: Thank you. B: You're welcome.

答案:I'm sorry, I don't know.

3. A: What's your name? B: ____________ A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.

答案:My name is Tom.

Part A中出现的对话比较简单,学生们只需要掌握一些基础的句型和表达,就能够顺利完成这一部分的听力练习。

Part B

Part B是新概念英语1a中的第二部分,它主要涉及一些较长的对话和短文。这一部分的难度比Part A要高,需要学生们具备一定的英语听力能力。以下是一些Part B中可能出现的题目和答案:

1. Why did the woman want to see the doctor? ____________

答案:Because she had a headache and a sore throat.

2. What is the woman's problem? ____________

答案:She has lost her passport.

3. What is the man's job? ____________

答案:He is a newspaper reporter.

Part B中出现的对话和短文比较复杂,学生们需要仔细听取每一个细节,同时也需要注意一些常见的词汇和语法结构。

Part C

Part C是新概念英语1a中的第三部分,它主要涉及一些较长的短文,需要学生们具备较强的英语听力能力。以下是一些Part C中可能出现的题目和答案:

1. What did John want to be when he was a child? ____________

答案:He wanted to be an astronaut.

2. What did the man suggest they do on Saturday? ____________

答案:He suggested they go to the beach.

3. What did the woman do before she became a writer? ____________

答案:She was a teacher.

Part C中出现的短文比较长,学生们需要仔细听取每一个细节,并且需要注意一些较为复杂的句子和语法结构。

Part D

Part D是新概念英语1a中的第四部分,它主要是一些短文,需要学生们具备非常强的英语听力能力。以下是一些Part D中可能出现的题目和答案:

1. What is the woman's name? ____________

答案:The woman's name is Mary.

2. What is the man's occupation? ____________

答案:The man is an engineer.

3. What time does the train leave? ____________

答案:The train leaves at 7:30.

Part D中出现的短文非常难,需要学生们具备非常强的英语听力能力和对英语语言的深入了解。

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