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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2024-06-26 09:00:04


1. Adjectives to describe beauty



1. The sunset over the ocean was absolutely gorgeous.

2. She looked stunning in her red dress.

3. The jewelry was exquisitely crafted.

4. The view from the mountaintop was simply splendid.

5. The garden was filled with lovely flowers.

2. Phrases to express beauty


1. A sight to behold:值得一看的景象

2. A thing of beauty:美丽的事物

3. A feast for the eyes: 让人眼前一亮的事物

4. Breathtakingly beautiful:令人惊叹的美丽

5. Strikingly beautiful:惊人的美丽


1. The fireworks display was a sight to behold.

2. The Taj Mahal is a true thing of beauty.

3. The art exhibition was a feast for the eyes.

4. The view from the mountaintop was breathtakingly beautiful.

5. Her smile was strikingly beautiful.

3. Sentences to describe beauty


1. Words cannot describe how beautiful this painting is.

2. The way the light reflected off the water was absolutely stunning.

3. This dress is a work of art.

4. I have never seen anything so magnificent in my life.

5. The natural beauty of this place takes my breath away.

4. How to use them in context

在真实的语境中,我们需要根据具体的情况来选择最适合的表达方式。例如,如果我们想夸赞一位女性的美貌,我们可以说:“You look absolutely gorgeous!”;如果我们想形容一幅画的美丽,我们可以说:“This painting is truly breathtaking.”



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