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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2024-04-17 10:00:02


1. Dawn


At dawn, the birds start to chirp.(破晓时分,鸟儿开始啁啾。)

Her career as a singer dawned in the 1990s.(她的歌唱生涯在20世纪90年代开始。)

2. Break of day

Break of day是另一种表达破晓的方式。这个词组形象地描述了夜幕被轻轻地拉开,让光明逐渐出现的过程。例如:

The fishermen set out at the break of day.(渔民们在破晓时分出发了。)

He woke up at the break of day and couldn't get back to sleep.(他在破晓时醒来,再也睡不着了。)

3. Daybreak


The daybreak is particularly beautiful in the countryside.(乡村的破晓特别美丽。)

As the night fades, daybreaks into a new day.(夜幕逐渐消散,新的一天开始了。)

4. Sunrise


The sunrise over the ocean is breathtaking.(大海上的日出令人惊叹。)

They woke up early to catch the sunrise.(他们很早就醒来,为了看日出。)

除了上述的词语,还有一些其他的表达方式,比如new beginning。这个词组强调了破晓所带来的新的开始和机会。例如:

The new year is a chance for a new beginning.(新的一年是一个新的开始和机会。)

After a long period of darkness, there is finally a new beginning.(经过了漫长的黑暗时期,终于有了新的开始。)

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