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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2023-12-30 13:00:07


1. Dawn


At dawn, the sky was a beautiful pink color.

The sun has just risen, and it's the dawn of a new day.

2. Sunrise


The sunrise was beautiful this morning.

She wakes up early to watch the sunrise every day.

3. First light

First light是指黎明前天空的第一缕亮光。它也可以用来表达曙光的含义,代表着新的开始和希望。例如:

The hikers started their trek at first light.

As the first light of dawn appeared, the birds began to sing.

4. Daybreak


The fishermen set out for the sea at daybreak.

As daybreak approached, the sky began to turn pink.

除了以上几个词语,还可以使用“new beginning”来表达曙光的含义。这个词语代表了新的开始和希望,也可以用来描述一个人开始新的生活或者迎接新的挑战。例如:

After the divorce, she saw it as a new beginning in her life.

Graduation is a new beginning for many students.

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