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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2023-10-22 08:00:04




1. Can I see the menu, please?(可以给我看看菜单吗?)

2. I'll have the steak, medium rare.(我要一份中等熟的牛排。)

3. Could I have a glass of water, please?(请给我倒一杯水好吗?)

4. Excuse me, could we have the bill, please?(服务员,我们可以结账吗?)

5. How much is the soup of the day?(今日特色汤是多少钱?)

6. I'm allergic to nuts. Does this dish contain any nuts?(我对坚果过敏,这道菜里有坚果吗?)



1. How much does this cost?(这个多少钱?)

2. Do you have this in a larger/smaller size?(你们有更大/更小尺码的吗?)

3. Can I try this on?(我可以试穿一下吗?)

4. I'm looking for a gift for my friend.(我正在为我的朋友寻找礼物。)

5. Are you open on Sundays?(你们星期天营业吗?)

6. Can I pay by credit card?(我可以用信用卡付款吗?)



1. Could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?(你能告诉我怎么去最近的地铁站吗?)

2. How much is a one-way ticket to the airport?(去机场的单程票多少钱?)

3. Do you have a map of the city?(你们有城市地图吗?)

4. I'd like to rent a car for the weekend.(我想租一辆车过周末。)

5. Excuse me, where is the taxi stand?(请问,出租车停靠在哪里?)

6. Is there a shuttle bus from the hotel to the theme park?(酒店有往返主题公园的班车吗?)



1. It's nice to meet you.(很高兴见到你。)

2. Would you like a drink?(你想要喝点什么?)

3. May I introduce you to my friend?(我可以介绍你认识我的朋友吗?)

4. Thank you for inviting me.(感谢你邀请我。)

5. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.(对不起,我没听清你的名字。)

6. Excuse me, could you please pass me the salt?(对不起,你能把盐递给我吗?)



1. I need to see a doctor.(我需要看医生。)

2. I have a headache/stomachache/cold.(我头疼/肚子疼/感冒了。)

3. Could you recommend a good hospital/doctor?(你能推荐一个好医院/医生吗?)

4. I'm allergic to penicillin.(我对青霉素过敏。)

5. How much is the consultation fee?(看病需要多少咨询费?)

6. Can I get a prescription for this medicine?(我能开这种药的处方吗?)

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