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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2023-09-16 01:00:05


1. Complex

Complex一词意思是“复杂的”,在句子中用作形容词。例如,“The situation in the Middle East is very complex.”(中东的局势非常复杂)

此外,Complex还可以用作名词,表示一组建筑物或关联机构的集合,例如,“The shopping complex includes a variety of stores and restaurants.”(购物中心包括各种商店和餐厅)

2. Conductor

Conductor的意思是“导体”,也可以表示指挥家。例如,“The electricity conductor carries energy from one point to another.”(电导体将能量从一个点传递到另一个点)

在音乐领域,Conductor指的是指挥家,例如,“The conductor led the orchestra with great skill.”(指挥家以高超技巧带领乐团)

3. Disorder

Disorder一词表示“混乱”或“失调”,在句子中用作名词。例如,“There was some disorder at the concert when the fans became too excited.”(当粉丝们变得太兴奋时,音乐会上出现了一些混乱)

此外,Disorder还可以表示某种身体或心理上的障碍,例如,“Many people suffer from mental disorders, such as anxiety and depression.”(许多人患有心理障碍,如焦虑和抑郁)

4. Exaggerate

Exaggerate的意思是夸张,过分渲染,通常用作动词,例如,“He tends to exaggerate the importance of his work.”(他倾向于夸大他的工作重要性)

Exaggerate还可以用来表示放大某种情况或症状,例如,“The doctor warned me not to exaggerate my symptoms.”(医生警告我不要夸大我的症状)

Inquire是一个动词,表示“询问”或“调查”。例如,“I need to inquire about the availability of tickets for the concert.”(我需要询问音乐会门票的可用性)

此外,Inquire还可以表示对某个话题或问题进行深入探究,例如,“The reporter inquired into the company's business practices.”(记者调查了公司的商业行为)

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