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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-10-05 07:00:42


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这类文章描述了事物 (Description), 儿童要注意以下几个方面的积累。


1. What is it made of?

--- a pair of rubber gloves, a woollen blanket, plastic toys, a gold medal

2. What does it look like? ----

(1) shapes:an L-shaped room, a star-shaped button, a heart-shaped cushion

(2) colors:light brown, greenish, different shades of orange and yellow

(3) Size:in length / width, as big as, the same size as


① 某物 is adj. /n.某物?

②某物is adj. in shape/colour。形状/颜色上的东西?

my lost suitcase is silver in colour.


③the shape/colour of 某物is ? 某物的形态/颜色是什么?

the shape of the toy is dumb-bell shape.


④in shape,某物 is like ?某物形如?


① 某物 is 数词 量词 修饰词。

如:this rope is 100 meters long.绳索100米长。

② 某物 is 数词 名量词 in length /width / height

如:this cloth is 1.5 metres in width and 30 metres in length.


③the length /width / height of 某物is 数词 名量词。

如:the length of this rope is 100 meters.绳索100米长。

④this/it is a基数词-名量词(奇数)-修饰词- 某物。

this is a 20-metre-long plastic pipe.这是一根20米长的塑料管。


①修饰词:long, wide, high, tall, deep

②名词:length, width, height, depth


① 某物 is 数词 (度量词) by 数词 (度量词) by 数词 量词某物长?宽?

the box is 50 by 40 by 30 centimetres.这个箱子50厘米长40厘米宽30厘米高。

②某物is 数词 cubic 量词。某物?

the bank is 20 cubic metres.水箱20立方米大。

③the volume of 某物is ... cubic 量词。物体的容量(体积)是什么?

the volume of this containeris two cubic metres.这个容器的容量是两立方米。


①某物 is 数词 square 量词。某物?

the board is 10 square metres.这块木板10平方米大。

②the area of某物is 数词 square 量词。某物的面积是什么?

the area of the external walls is 60 square metres.外墙面积60平方米。


①修饰词:square平方的, cubic立方的。

② 度量词:metre(m)米, centimetre(cm)厘米, millimeter(mm)mm,foot英寸, inch英尺。

③volume体积, area面积。


某物 be made of 原料


①名词:steel钢,iron铁,copper铜,plastic塑料,leather皮革,wood木材, straw麦杆,nylon尼龙,cloth面料, stone石料,glass玻璃, cotton棉花,metal金属,brick砖,bamboo竹


3. What does it represent?


(1) It was a birthday gift from my grandparents.

(2) It was a token of love/ appreciation / respect/ gratitude




There is a light house-like lamp staying quietly on my desk. My mother gave it to me on my 14th birthday. I fell in love with it at the first sight.

It is a lovely lamp with a little wooden door at the bottom and colorful flowers are around it. Through the half-opened window on the second floor, I can see a few steps up to the top of the light house. When the lamp is switched on, gentle yellow light makes my room more peaceful.

This is my favourite gift. It is a token of my mother’s love.


I have received many presents when I have my eleven birthday party. My parents give me a teddy bear, my uncle gives me a book. My best friend gives me a goldfish.

Among all the gifts, I love the goldfish the most. I always want to have a pet in the family, but my parents don’t allow me to keep one.

Now I have my own goldfish. I will keep it and take good care of it. This goldfish is very beautiful. Its colour is pink. I love watching it swimming in the water. Sometimes, I will feed it. I wish it can grow up with me.

This is the best birthday present ever!


There is a soft pink sweater in my wardrobe. It was a special gift from my grandmother on my twelfth birthday. A month before my birthday, grandma patiently taught me how to knit every day after school.


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