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PET 真实
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领取《KET、官方PET真题总结,官网样卷,必备词汇,常用口语句型 》
下半年最后一次KET/PET考试于12月7日结束,不清楚孩子们考得怎么样?对KET作文字数要求不高,25-35字之间,试题中包含提示性问题。看起来并不难,但要在这么少的字数中完整、清晰、逻辑地表达出来,实际上对语言能力的需求并不低。Email今年的KET作文 写作,阅读朋友的来信,在回复中回答朋友的几个问题(朋友问你之前提到的滑板是谁给你的?滑板是什么样的?你们常常在哪儿玩滑板?)。题目不仅考察了信件的写作,也考察了儿童用英语描述事物的能力。先看看3S给出的两篇范文:
范文 I
范文 II
My elder brother John invited me to join a skateboarding club and bought me the skateboard last month. The deck is light yellow and made of maple. Every Sunday I go skateboarding with John and his friends everywhere. Riding on the board is awesome.
针对这种类型的帖子来描述事情。 (Description), 儿童应注意从以下几个方面积累:
Describing a thing
1. What is it made of? (材料)
e.g. a pair of rubber gloves, a woollen blanket, plastic toys, a gold medal...
2. What does it look like? (外观)
(1) shape: an L-shaped room, a star-shaped button, a heart-shaped cushion...
(2) color: light brown, greenish, different shades of orange and yellow...
(3) size: in length/width, as big as, the same size as...
3. What does it represent? (对对象的描述,除了对客观形状的描述外,对象背后的爱或特殊意义更会成为画龙点睛的描述)
e.g. It was a birthday gift from my grandparents.
e.g. It was a token of love/ appreciation / respect/ gratitude.