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ket口语技巧:Part 1phrase

来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2023-01-18 10:10:47

Part 1



T: What is your name?

S: My name is xxx.


T: How old are you?

S: I am xx years old.


T: Where do you live?/ Where are you living now?

S: I am living in GZ,(Guangdong Province,) China.






怎样才能多说几句?回答时要牢记这六个要素(5)W 1H):

When 什么时候

Where 哪地方

Who 什么人



How 怎样(方法或结果)?

也就是说,“什么时候,什么地方,什么人做什么,为什么做,怎么做或者结果如何”,也就是说“回答问题” “自由扩展”。

话题1 : school


T:What time do you go to school each day?

S:I usually go to school at ... o’clock (with my friend / parents on foot / by bus / by car.)


T: How do you go to school?

S:I usually go to school by like / on foot / by car.


T: Please tell me what you like about school.

S: I like doing... because...I enjoy doing... (学科、教师、地点、学生)


(1)S:I like the English class because my English teacher is very kind to us all and she looks nice, so I kike her and like her class.(学科和教师)

(2)S: I like the reading room/the library in my school, because I enjoy reading very much and there are all kinds of books for me to read.It is really a sea of knowledge.(地点)

(3)S: I like my deskmate/classmate XXX,because she is very nice and helpful,she always helps me with my English and we always share each other’s feelings and stories, I am happy to stay with her.(同学)


T: Which subject do you like best/most?

S: I like the English class because my English teacher is very kind to us all and she looks nice, so I kike her and like her class.(学科和教师)

话题2 : family & home


T:What kind of building do you live in?




T: How much time do you spend at home?

S: I spend most of/lots of time at home. I like playing with my younger brother at home.


S: I spend most of/lots of time at home. I like helping my parents do some housework at home and I enjoy the family time very much.


S:I spend not much /little time at home because I have to spend most of my time at school and I am a boarding student/boarder(寄宿生)。So usually I just spend my weekend at home with my family. (和谁在一起,在哪里,做什么)

Part 2 对答部分


T: Now, in this part of the test you are going to talk together.


T:Do you like these different ways of travelling? Say why or why not.l'll say that again.

Do you like these different ways of travelling? Say why or why not.All right? Now, talk together.

Allow a minimum of 1 minute (maximum of 2 minutes) beforemoving on to the following questions.(考生思考大约需要2分钟,然后对下面的问题进行回答。



T: So,考生A, which of these ways of travelling do you like best?

考生A:I like traveling by air best, because traveling by air can save a lot of time.

T: And you, 考生B, which of these ways of travelling do you like best?

考生B:I like traveling by train best, because traveling by train allow me to enjoy the scenery along the journey

T:Thank you. Can I have the booklet, please. (Retrieve Part 2 booklet.考官收回小册子。接着考官继续提问:

T: Which country would you like to visit, 考生A? (Why?)

考生A:I would like to visit UK/ Britain because I am hoping to see the Big Ben in London and take a photo with it.

T:And what about you, B? (Which country would you like to visit?) (Why?)

考生B: I would like to visit France, because I want to see the famous Eiffel Tower.

T: Thank you. That is the end of the test.


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