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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2023-01-06 02:10:59






12.19 KET答案回忆




Part 6

Your English friend Alex is going on holiday with his family in your country next month. Write an email to Alex.

In your email:

•tell Alex the best place to visit

•say what activities Alex can do there

•say what Alex needs to take with him.

Write 25 words or more.


Hi Alex,

See you soon,

Part 7

Look at the three pictures. Write the story shown in the pictures.

Write 35 words or more.







Part 1

1. 答案:C

2. 答案:A

分析:这个男孩最喜欢做什么?音频指出:the train journey there was the best part. 因此选择A坐火车看风景。

3. 答案:B

解析:Jason假日喜欢做什么运动?音频指出:had to go sailing, brilliant! 所以选B 航海。

4. 答案:A

分析:他们准备怎样煮鱼?在音频中指出:Fried fish is faster and we don't have much time today. 所以选A 油炸鱼。

5. 答案:C

分析:这艘船此刻正在经过哪里?音频指出:if you look out of the windows on your left, you can see the west tower. 因此选择C塔。

Part 2

6. 答案:11.5

解析:Cost of trip旅行花费, 在音频中指出:This trip isn't free, it costs eleven pounds fifty per student.

7. 答案:Sep.26th

分析:旅行日期。在音频中指出:the twenty sixth of September is the date of the trip.

8. 答案:Raycott

解析:talk by 听听谁的讲话, 在音频中指出:you' re going to listen to a talk by someone who studies the sea. Her name's Doctor Raycott.

9. 答案:changing

解析:Talk about讨论哪些话题, 在音频中指出:The talk's going to be about how the sea of south beach is changing.

10. 答案:hat

解析:Must bring 必须带什么, 在音频中指出:But everyone needs to take a hat.

Part 3

11. 答案:A

分析:此时此刻这个俱乐部开会需要多长时间?音频指出:It's every Friday. 所以选A “ Once a week.”

12. 答案:A

解析:Matt 想让Gina 为什么要加入俱乐部?音频指出:We need people like you who can sing and play the piano well. 所以选A ” 她擅长音乐。

13. 答案:B

解析:Gina在舞台上感觉如何?音频指出:That’s scary! Perhaps I might not remember what I have to say and people will laugh. 所以选B 害怕忘词。

14. 答案:C

解析:Matt最喜欢theatre俱乐部在哪里?音频指出:best of all is being with people in the club. 所以选C 与其他成员愉快地相处。

15. 答案:C

解析:Gina下一步是什么?音频指出:I'd like to talk to Mr. Adams before I go to my first meeting. 所以选C “ 和老师谈谈。

Part 4

16. 答案:B

分析:他为什么不想买?音频指出:I might start doing hockey instead, or tennis. 所以选B 他对其他运动感兴趣。

17. 答案:C

分析:为什么这个男孩回家晚了?音频指出:this morning, the teacher told me to borrow a book from the science section in the library. 所以选C 他去了图书馆。

18. 答案:C

分析:这位店员认为这姑娘该怎么办?音频指出:But it'll be best to visit our website and order one there. 所以选C 在网上看看。

19. 答案:A

分析:为什么这个女孩喜欢这个?TV节目?音频指出:And I watch it because all the dancers are teenagers. 所以选A 是关于年轻人的。

20. 答案:A

分析:这个男孩认为这家商店怎么样?音频指出:with those prices they ought to be nicer. 所以选A 特别贵。

Part 5

21. 答案:F 做衣服

解析:gym 体育馆 音频中指出Let’s go to the gym,接着又提及Isn't that where we can make a summer hat。

22. 答案:H 玩音乐

解析:library 图书馆,音频指出图书馆时说:Actually that's where we can sing songs with the school band,能和学校乐队一起唱歌。

23. 答案:G 做珠宝

解析:theatre 剧院 音频指出剧院时说话。make silver earrings and ring to wear.制作一些银耳环和钻戒。

24. 答案:A 制造家具

解析:hall 大厅 音频中提到hall的时候说made anything out of wood 木制品,后来又提到想去想去。make a shelf 做个架子。

25. 答案:D 打游戏

解析:playground 操场 音频中that's where we can play chess 能在操场上下棋。



Part 1



My name’s ...


I’m ... years old.

I live in ... ( city)



答案:My best friend is ... She is always there for me when I need her. We both enjoy reading and listening to music.


答案:We often study together and do some sports at school. On the weekends, we sometimes go to the cinema and go shopping.


(Outdoor Activities):

参考词汇和句型:I like ... the best because...

e.g. I like riding a bike with friends the best because I think it’s relaxing. Riding a bike can also help us keep healthy.


Well, there are lots of things I can do if I’m free. For instance, I sometimes stay at home to read books, or I’ll go with my friends to do some outdoor activities such as playing football and running.





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