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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-12-15 10:11:00




教材介绍Textbook Introduction



目标:13岁以上的青少年和成人学习者Participants: adolescents and adult learners aged 13 and above

类别:综合英语教材Category: Comprehensive English textbook

教材特色Features of teaching materials

2.增加听力展示和演讲技巧,丰富学生的听力和演讲技巧。Set up listening demonstration and speech skills section to enrich students’ listening and speaking scenes and cultivate their speech skills.

3.考试类型任务培训指导学生准备国际语言考试,包括托福和雅思。Test type task practice helps students prepare for international language tests, including TOEFL and IELTS.

4.词汇技能部分向学生展示单词方式、组合、词缀、短语动词等,提高学生阅读和写作的流利性。In the vocabulary skills section, students are shown word forms, collocations, affixes, phrasal verbs, etc. to improve their fluency in reading and writing.

课程特色Course features

TED促进英语学习的演讲Ted speech promotes English learning

每个模块从不同的角度讨论一个主题,并介绍一个相关的主题TED Talks视频让学生在课堂上接触到来自现实世界的顶级英语素材,唤起他们在充分锻炼英语能力的同时,从新颖的角度看待世界。Each unit discusses a topic from a different perspective, and introduces a related Ted talks video, so that students can get access to top English materials from the real world in class, and inspire them to fully exercise their English ability while looking at the world from a new perspective.

增强思辨能力Strengthen the ability of thinking

注重培养思维能力,传授相关策略,让学生学会分析(analyze)、评定(evaluate)新合新信息和各种有效信息 (synthesize),从而形成自己的见解。Focus on cultivating critical thinking ability, teach relevant strategies, let students learn to analyze and evaluate new information, and integrate all kinds of effective information to form their own opinions.

为考试做好充分准备Make full preparation for the exam

学生用书、练习册和 Exam View ( 检测题库 ) 包括各种考试内容和考试技能,供学生参加 Cambridge, IELTS、TOEFL, Michigan/CaMLA在各种国际考试中做好充分准备。Students’ books, exercise books and exam view (test bank) cover all kinds of test types and test taking skills, and fully prepare students for various international examinations including Cambridge, IELTS, TOEFL, Michigan / camla, etc

教学内容Course content

每个模块分为以下五个课程模块(Lesson A~E)Each unit is divided into the following five modules (lesson a ~ e)Unit Opener & Lesson A:Vocabulary

Lesson A:Listening & Grammar

听力内容呈现世界,在情境中学习语法知识,在听力语境中练习训练。进一步巩固语法知识,开放式互动讨论激发个性化语言。Listening content presents a vast world, learning grammar knowledge in the context, practicing in the listening context. The grammar explanation and practice at the end of the book further consolidate grammar knowledge, and open interactive discussion stimulates personalized language.

Lesson B:Vocabulary Building,Reading camp; Critical Thinking

Lesson C:Grammar 继续加强学生的语法能力,分析语法功能,了解语法的功效,使学生对语法有更深的理解。Continue to strengthen students’ grammatical ability, analyze grammatical functions, understand the role of grammar, so that students have a deeper understanding of grammar.

Lesson D:Authentic Listening Skills & TED Talk

在真实语境中培养听力技能,TED 演讲引导学生保持开放的心态,激励学生从多个角度深入思考全球话题。To develop listening skills in a real context, Ted lectures help students keep an open mind and inspire them to think deeply about global topics from multiple perspectives.



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