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ket难度听力:不习惯美式发音,平时少听native speakers讲话

来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-12-09 06:10:39

不习惯美式发音,平时少听native speakers说话,少听录音带,词汇和知识跟不上,口语不好等因素。


1. I picked up the receiver, dropped the coins in the slot, and dialed the number I wanted.


Slot -间隙。这是指投币口。Receiver就是电话的听筒。

2. Virginia’s going to take all her required courses this year.

Required courses -必修课required是require过去的分词。在这里作为修饰词使用,意思是被要求的,即学校要求学生必要的课程。

选修课是elective. e.g. I have 9 required courses and 3 electives this semester.


I hope I can take a few electives next term.

3. Not only is Cheryl a good swimmer, but she’s also a promising musician and a great photographer.

Not only did I forget my train ticket, but I also forgot my passport.

Not only was Ellen there, but Wanda and Dale came too.

Not onlybut also.不仅如此。

Not only 倒装语序,but also 阐述语序

4. My pen’s out of ink. -我的笔没有墨水。

Be out of something =一件东西用完了


The bookstore is out of lined notebook paper.


相似的构造run out of something.

I just ran out of supplies.


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