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来源:小编 编辑:小编 日期:2022-11-11 18:01:10

领取《KET、PET官方真题总结,官网样卷,必要词汇,口语常用句型 》

1 第一部分 (5-6分钟)

personal information

What’s your name?-- My name is…

And your surname name? (family name)-- My surname is ….

How do you spell that?-- It's ...

Where do you come from/ Where are you from? -- I am a local and I have been living here since I was born.

Do you study English at school?-- Yes. I have 8 English classes every week. I like English very much.

What other subjects do you study?-- At school, I also learn Math, Chinese, music, English and other subjects. I like all the subjects.

What’s your favourite subject?-- My favorite subject is …. This is because …

What’s your favourite sport? Why?-- My favorite sport is … because it always helps me to relax. I … every day.

What sport do you play?-- I …, I often ….with my best friend… . We often …. in the park.

What do you do in your free time?-- In my free time, I usually … with my …. We often have great fun together.

What did you do last weekend?

What are you going to do next weekend?

How often do you watch a film / TV / read a book?



In part 2, candidates interact with each other.

Candidates ask and answer questions using prompt material (Information card and question card).




-- What is the name of sth?

-- Can you tell me the name of sth?


-- Where is ..?

-- What's the address of ..?


-- How much does ... cost?

-- How much is ..?

-- What is the price of ..?


-- What time does it open / close?


1. 记住口头提问的句型,多听对方的问题。 当你找不到答案时,你应该用一些常用的词来拖延时间,比如 Let me think, let me see. Oh, well…

2. 回答问题时要大声,同时与考官或搭档进行眼神交流。

3. 考试时,如果问题听不清楚,有权要求重复,例如:

-- I beg your pardon.

-- Can you say that again, please.

5. 考试期间不要紧张,自信地回答每一个问题。



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